Yes my boobs are fake, my real ones tried to kill me
It takes U to turn Cancer to Can Cure
I wear pink for someone who means the world to me
Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.
It’s not about bravery, It’s about doing what I need to do to win
Real men wear pink for the cure
My _________ taught me what hero means
Hope Matters
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
Shouting out Pink for a cure
It came, I fought, We won
The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.
It’s an attitude, It’s a mission, It’s awareness for a cure
Stop Breast Cancer from attacking our loved ones…Help find a cure
Big or Small save them all
Check your bumps for lumps
Live with hope
Faith Matters..Support Breast Cancer Awareness
Think Pink!
Walkin my buns off for boobs
Take a strike against cancer
Never, never, never give up.
Some days there won’t be a song in your heart. Sing anyway.
Kicken Cancer’s Ass
Give cancer the Boot
Get your Pink on..For Breast Cancer Awareness
Take a stand against cancer
Cancer is a word, not a sentence
The Breast is yet to come
Not just surviving, thriving
Pink is my signature color
Imagine a world without cancer!
Supporting my _________ because together we will win
Never ever Give up til there’s a cure
I support _________ with all my heart
Show you care, be aware
Fight the fight, Find the cure
Never, never, never give up.
Finding the cure starts with hope
Join the fight, one step at a time
These boobs were made for walkin
People die everyday, cannot we help them in some way?
Positively Pink
Boobs: They could use your support
Ready, Set, Go Pink
Boobs, Sweat and Tears