Don’t cry, don’t die, when AIDS comes near, say goodbye.
AIDS brings pain! Girls, please Abstain!
Let HIV be your worst enemy! Fight HIV/AIDS
End the dread…stop the spread
Women! HIV/AIDS is NOT a lottery, take no chances
Help to eradicate AIDS, so lives can be saved
Lets aid each other to combat AIDS
Help us find a way to take AIDS away
Ladies, be wise! Make your guy condomize
Pack it in plastic it ll be fantastic
Open your eyes before AIDS closes them
If you really love her wear a cover.
Help us find a way to end the decay.
ABC – Abstain, Be faithful and Condomise
AIDS – An equal opportunity disease.
AIDS can’t be cured with bandaids
AIDS: Avoid the Scare…be Aware
Condoms are cheaper than AIDS
The Laids aren’t worth AIDS
Love Shouldn’t Kill