I’m not asking you to vote for me I am just asking you to check the box next to my name, vote _____ .
If you want a secretary that is the best, vote for _____ to sort out the mess
For success, choose the best. Vote [Name].
Two, four, six, eight! Vote for _____, don’t be late.
Making the world better since [birth year]. _____
Just do it. Vote for _____.
The write choice for secretary!
I’m very clever, but not scary, vote for me for Secretary!
I Don’t want all the Votes just yours…Vote for _____
_____ stands for Excellence.
A vote for _____ is a vote for the better.
I may not be the best looking guy in here but I’m the only one talking to you. So vote for (name)
[Name] for reform. [Name] for action.
We want you! Vote for _____ .
You can count on _____ .
I don’t hear the voices I AM the voice. Vote for (name)
Everyone says, _____ for Post.
The right government at the right time.
World’s best student body president.
_____ . Born to lead.
Choose a leader for a change.
Solutions for student council.
Vote for fresh blood on student council: Vote _____
Catalyst for change.
Pick a leader who acts, vote (name).
Let me serve you. Vote _____ .
I may not be perfect but I’m so damn close it scares me. If you vote for me, i will be. (name)