If you train hard, you’ll not only be hard, you’ll be hard to beat.
Hockey players have fire in their hearts and ice in their veins.
Half the game is mental; the other half is being mental.
Ice hockey players can walk on water. (Frozen Water)
Show me someone who’s afraid to look bad, and I’ll show you someone you can beat.
Sometimes it’s not how good you are but how bad you want it
It is not how big you are, it’s how big you play.
Give blood. Play hockey.
Pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit.
If you want to play, then practice. If you want to win, then practice harder.
Call us butter because we’re on a roll
Life is Hockey, Hockey is Life
Hockey, the cool sport
Hockey is figure skating in a war zone.
They practice until they get it right, we practice until we cant get it wrong.